My “fight Trump and everything he stands for” March 2017 page-a-day calendar


Wednesday, March 1

Trump gave a speech last night. Dummies thought he sounded “presidential.” He was, and is, a racist clown. Martin Heinrich thinks that, so I signed his petition to oppose Trump’s bullshit agenda.
Wrote to Senator Susan Collins, basically calling her out for assuring us that Jeff Sessions—despite a long and documented history of racism and opposing voting rights—would, you know, not be racist and stand up for voting rights. Oh, it was also revealed tonight that Sessions lied to Congress about the fact that he—wait for it—was in contact with the Russians on Trump’s behalf.
—Trump and his greedheads want to scuttle net neutrality. CREDO action petition.
—Jeff Sessions is going down! This petition would like to speed that shit up.
—Texas Republicans are trying to pass another “bathroom bill” targeted at keeping trans people from using the fucking toilet. Let’s continue to mess with Texas.

Thursday, March 2

—The petitions for Jeff Sessions to resign are comin’ fast and furious.
—DailyKos petition denouncing the fact that Republicans, almost without exception, are blocking any investigation of Trump’s obviously damning taxes.
—Bernie Sanders is still looking to get an imported cheap drug bill passed. You know, despite the pharmaceutical industry pumping cash into politicians’ throats like chewable Flintstones vitamins.
—And heeere goes Jeff Sessions
—…If Kamala Harris has anything to say about it.
—Chris Murphy, too.
—Plus NARAL.
—And another one.
—iHeartRadio is planning to honor right-wing racist talk show host Michael Berry. Petition.
—President Racist Slugslime specifically targeted DREAM-er Dany Vargas after she spoke out about Trump deporting immigrants in that program. Petty and cruel cock-waving.
—SXSW(?!) is apparently threatening to report foreign bands to immigration if they do something SXSW doesn’t like? Normalizing fascist bullshit, if true. Signed a petition anyway.


You tell ’em Supes.

Friday, March 3

—Hey, Corey Booker thinks Sessions should resign, too!
— would like to see Trump’s taxes. You know, me too!
—Our Revolution would like Jeff Sessions to resign.
—Petition urging credit card companies and Paypal to shut down business with neo-Nazt groups.
—Another letter in support of Dany Vargas, this one from to Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly.
—Letter to Wisconsin judges supporting their decision to strike down Republicans’ racial gerrymandering in the state.
—The ACLU wants Jeff Sessions to resign. I signed on, like you do.
So does the National Democratic Training Committee.
So does Chellie Pingree.
So does
So does People For The American Way.
So does DailyKos.
So does something called BoldPAC.
—Maine’s itty-bitty bigot-bumpkin Trump, Paul LePage is hereby urged to protect immigrants.
Sent email to Homeland Security. They are considering a Trump/Bannon/scumbag policy of separating mothers and children as they attempt to cross the border. All the Sophie’s Choice references in the fucking world are not enough. Fuck these fucking people. Fuck them in their racist, black hearts.
— wants to investigate Trump’s Yemen fiasco. You know, the one where a SEAL got killed because of his incompetence and then he used the man’s widow as a prop to fluff up his ego during a speech.

Saturday, March 4

Petition for the NCAA to move and/or cancel any events in states (like Texas, of course) passing anti-LGBTQ laws.
Some racist bullshit happening with child protective services in Buffalo.
Saturday Night Live came back, so my reviews at the AV Club did, too. They’re going after Trump, to a moderately successful degree.
—The above video was a pretty solid sketch about how the GOP is very, very okay with Trump destroying the country as long as they can loot it. I wrote about that, too.

Sunday, March 5

—Another petition for Kiarre Harris, the (black) mom whose homeschooled kids got taken away over some racist bullshit.
—Sherrod Brown would like American workers to be treated better, so here’s a signature.
—The League of Conservation Voters understandably wants to prevent Trump from gutting all environmental regulations.
—Petition for Portland to fund the city’s public schools. You notice how any cause that has anything to do with decency, kindness, equality, or basically not being an asshole winds up comfortably in my anti-Trump list? Weird, huh?
—Daily Kos. Don’t steal people’s health care, you Republican pricks.

Monday, March 6

—Sherrod Brown has another Save the ACA petition. I signed it. New week.
—Martin Henrich, too.
—DailyKos-facilitated letter to Collins and King urging them to postpone any vote on Trump’s right wing SCOTUS pick until his obvious position as a compromised Russian asset are fully and independently investigated.
— has a “register me first” petition for non-Muslims to stand up against Trump’s racist bullshit. Sign it.
—Kamala Harris is sponsoring a bill demanding that all people detained under Trump’s bigot-bullshit Muslim Ban are granted access to counsel.
—Tom Udall would like Trump to not gut the EPA to enrich his grotesque corporate cronies. You know, I would as well.
—The Republicans want to do awful things to Planned Parenthood, as usual.
—Joe Kennedy wants to ban Citizens United, which, despite the rah-rah name, is just a right-wing rich asshole slush fund.
—Care2 petition for Jeff Sessions to resign or be fired. I mean, it’s about that whole “being a Russian asset and lying to Congress thing,” but there’s a whole list of other reasons, like racism and so forth.
Wrote to Susan Collins upon seeing a Portland Press Herald story that she sees Trump’s new-and-still-unconscionable Muslim ban.
—Same thing to Maine’s limp noodle Republican Representative Bruce Poliquin, who said the same thing.

Tuesday, March 7

—There are gonna be a whole lot of letters and petitions about the Republicans’ grotesquely cruel, just-announced Obamacare replacement. Here’s a letter from DailyKos, that goes to my representatives.
—Here’s a petition from Sherrod Brown.
And Chris Murphy’s.
And Corey Booker’s.
And NARAL’s.
And Tammy Baldwin’s.
—Oh, Trump and the Republican Party are trying to destroy the Violence Against Women Act. Seriously, fuck these pricks.
—CredoAction’s petition against Scumbag’s new Muslim ban.
And Equality PAC’s.
—NDTC petition condemning  Dickhead for accusing President Obama of running a super-secret plan to overthrow him.
—Everytown for Gun Safety is sending postcards to lawmakers opposing the GOP/NRA’s open carry efforts to make sure literally every other American is shot to death by an unstable fuckhead.

Wednesday, March 8

—As the Republican party attempts to steamroller their grotesquely cruel Obamacare replacement through congress, some epic trolling: Petition to cut free health care for all representatives and their families. It’s got 150,000 signatures. Including mine.
—This petition supports the idea that women have equal rights. Because it is not written by a blithering ding-dong.
—Tammy Baldwin agrees. And she would know.
So would Nancy Pelosi.
—The Republican health care plan (which Trump definitely doesn’t want us to call TRUMPCARE, since it’s already looking embarrassingly doomed) is awful for everyone but insurance companies and rich fuckers. Sherrod Brown and I agree on that.
—Senator Al Franken wants Trump’s obvious, glaring, red flashing light on top of an ambulance Russian connections investigated. Also, Al Franken is a Senator, and a damned fine one.
—The tweeting.

Thursday, March 9

—DailyKos prompt to email Angus King urging him to reject the Republicans’ grotesque, cruel, downright evil healthcare plan.
—Equality PAC has a petition to that effect.
—Credo Action petition against Trump (the crooked businessman) obliterating rules that require other crooked businessmen to look out for the financial interests of their elderly clients.
—DCCC petition to protect the EPA. That’s a lot of initials, but you get it.
—Al Franken wants a damned independent investigation of #TrumpRussia, already.
—NARAL opposes SCOTUS pick Neil Gorsuch. Possibly because Trump thinks he’s neat. More likely because he’s like a more evil Scalia, apparently.
—The Election Assistance Commission ensures elections aren’t hacked. It is being threatened by Republicans. After the election was clearly hacked. And most of Trump’s idiot administration is clearly in league with the country that did it. Fuck these people.
—Patty Murray is also against the Republican’s poor-person-murdering healthcare proposal.

Friday, March 10

—Scott Pruitt, the grotesque joke who is Trump’s head of the EPA, states that carbon dioxide is not a factor in global warming. So, this petition seeks to educate him that it is. And that he is a grinning corporate shill.
—Form letter to my reps urging them to fight the GOP’s bullshit health care bill.
—Iowa Republicans—shocker—want to institute a voter ID law to make it harder for poor people and minorities to vote. Because Republican ideas are shit and they know this is the only way to hold onto power.
—More people want Jeff Sessions to resign.
Sierra Club petition, for the sort of environmental things they do.
—Letter to Wells Fargo ineffectively shaming them for helping fund the DAPL.
—Credo Action’s petition in favor of the Presidential Tax Transparency Act. Guess who that’s directed at.
—Sierra Club letter to King and Collins urging them to oppose right-wing dingbat Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court.
The twittering.

Saturday, March 11

—Wrote this week’s Saturday Night Live review for the AV Club, which contains plenty of words about Trump, and about how SNL’s unprecedented opportunity to really go after him is being squandered.
—That being said, I liked this Ivanka fake commercial, which I wrote about also.
—Lots o’ Twitter, although I was road-tripping to a family birthday for most of the day. It was an oddly satisfying feeling mocking the right wing asshole threatening to kick my ass while watching my beloved niece open the presents.

Sunday, March 12

—Wrote email to Bruce Poliquin and Susan Collins telling them they’d fuckign better make a public condemnation of Iowa GOP Congressman Steve King’s praise of Dutch Nazi Geert Wilders.
Republicans want to kill the Endangered Species Act. And a whole lot of endangered species.
—Petition urging LA’s mayor to divest the city from Wells Fargo because of their funding of the DAPL.
—Credo Action wants Senate Dems to actually stand up against Trump’s racist Muslim ban. You know what? So would fucking I.
—Scumbag Johnson wants to kill the NEA and NEH, because truth and beauty simply don’t mean anything to someone with no human soul.
—Amazon advertized with Breitbart. They should stop.
—GoTurnOutPAC petition to save the ACA.
—PFAW petition supporting Planned Parenthood.
—NILC petition opposing Dipshit’s bullshit, specifically his racist Muslim ban.
—Lots o’ Twitter. Strangely, inexplicably, if you mock Iowa Republican racist Steve King online, a whole lot of self-professed Nazis come for you. Weird…

Just sub in Iowa accents for Steve King supporters. 

Monday, March 13

—Petition to save the EPA. Which Republicans want to destroy. Seriously.
— petition to save the ACA.
—Tom Udall’s condemning corporate climate denier (and, of yeah, head of the EPA) Scott Pruitt for a whole host of reasons.
—Petition urging Republicans to actually condemn Steve King for being a no-shit, vocal, public white supremacist. He doubled down on his Nazi bullshit today.
Called Susan Collins urging her to call for Steve King’s resignation. Publicly. Collins is no moderate as she claims, but she has a great desire to seem like the nice one.
—Did the same with Bruce Poliquin. Shockingly, the nice lady at his Washington office said he has made no statement yet. (People in Maine will get the joke.)
—Trump and his loot-minded cronies want to destroy the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Shocker.
—They also want to destroy the EPA.
—The White House is now soliciting “Obamacare horror stories,” which is really pathetic. I sent them mine about how Obamacare allowed me and my family to get healthcare for the first time and they shouldn’t kill millions of people by killing it.
—DCCC petition for Republicans to lay the fuck off the ACA.
—NRDC petition against the fact that Republicans loooove to gerrymander voting districts along racial lines because they know their shit ideas can’t keep them in power any other way.
The Twitter. Again—if you attack a white supremacist like Steve King, you get a ton of white supremacists sending you death threats and pictures of Hitler. Just FYI.

Tuesday, March 14

—Blizzard day. Had to settle for fighting with ignorant Trump-heads on Twitter all day.

Wednesday, March 15

Angus King has his own petition against the GOP “murder the poors and enrich ourselves and our wealthy masters” health care bill. Saves me a call.
So does Joe Kennedy.
—In addition to being a partisan, spineless toad about investigating Trump-Russia, Jason Chaffetz wants to destroy a National Monument. The Wilderness Society would like him not to do that.
— petition urging the University of Iowa to divest from banks funding the DAPL.
—Credo Action’s petition to buck Chuck Schumer and the Dems up to fight for reproductive rights. C’mon, Dems. Seriously. Blood in the water means attack, not call for a bipartisan commision on blood removal from local waterways.
—CredoAction again, urging passage of Barbara Lee’s bill to keep Dipshit from having the ability to send ground troops into Syria.
Thursday, March 16

—The Republicans want to destroy the EPA. Just…
—Dipshit wants to unnecessarily increase the defense budget to compensate for his tiny, tiny penis and impotence.
Called Bruce Poliquin urging him to vote against the GOP’s grotesquely cruel health plan. Shockingly, the nice lady at his DC office says he hasn’t made up his mind yet. People from Maine will get the joke.
—Kamala Harris’ petition for the GOP to leave Medicare the fuck alone.

Friday, March 17

Called Susan Collins urging her to oppose both the GOP’s budget and the GOP’s health plan.
—Same thing with Bruce Poliquin.
—Got an email from Poliquin (presumably about something I sent earlier) defending his decision to support repealing Obamacare. To be fair, he does express concerns about the shitty nature (y words) of the GOP plan. However, I sent him a response urging him to reconsider, etc.
—Email to Collins and Angus King urging them to oppose the hideous Trump budget. They want to cut ficking Meals on Wheels. Think about that.
The National Federation of State High School Associations banned a girl from playing high school basketball because she wears a hijab. Nope.
—CREDO Action petition urging Chuck Schumer and the Dems to fight against Fuckface’s completely unnecessary, graft-laden military buildup.
—American Cancer Network automated letter to all four of my reps urging them to protect those currently covered by Obamacare.
—Martin Heinrich petition to urge Dipshit Jones not to gut environmental protections.
—Something called People Demanding Action asked me to write to Angus King opposing Neil Gorsuch for SCOTUS. So I did.
—AVAAZ open letter to all the nice Dutch people for (mostly) rejecting blown-dry Nazi Geert Wilders in their recent elections.
Afghan interpreters are being denied entry to the US in Fuckwit’s doomed Muslim ban. Fuck him.

Sometimes you just need to find the calm. Here. Breathe. 

Saturday, March 18

—Dipshit Greedhead has nominated another greedhead Goldman Sachs crony, Jay Clayton, to head the SEC. Which would be a disaster.
—CREDO Action petition against the GOP gutting Medicaid and Medicare.
—More specific to the health care issue, this petition objecting to BlueCross BlueShield withholding medical care from a gravely ill little kid.
—Al Franken’s petition against the GOP shit-budget.
—Another shit-budget petition.
—Florida governor and skinless nosferatu Rick Scott just pulled Florida prosecutor Aramis Ayala because she chose not to pursue a death penalty case.
—So much Twitter. Whole house is sick here—nothing to do but argue with fools. And cough up phlegm. Both are about equally gross.

Sunday, March 19

—Someone put together this incredibly helpful, one-click spreadsheet that allows you to message GOP reps with exactly how many of their constituents (or “voters” if that’s all they recognize) will lose coverage under the grotesquely greedy and cruel Trumpcare. Seriously, this person deserves a medal of some sort.
—Donated another $25 to Jon Ossoff’s campaign. First special election=first referendum on Trump’s bullshit.
—DailyKos petition opposing the GOP’s health “care” plan.
Keep Trumphad’s assole off the Supreme Court.

Monday, March 20

—So sick for three days. Finally caught up with me. Managed to get yelled at on Twitter through my Nyquil haze. Still managed to school some fools.

Tuesday, March 21

—Alive and sniffling, so joined Tom Udall in calling out Trump’s war on the press. Man, it’s like he has something to hide. Or something.
—United We Dream’s petition objecting to Shithead’s budget, specifically, the $3 billion in racist anti-immigrant measures.
—Trump (aka Shithad) continues to adopt a “loot this motherfucker before I get impeached” approach to regulation, tapping one of his Wall Street cronies to oversee Wall Street.
Called Bruce Poliquin’s office again. Strangely, he has still not made up his mind on the GOP health”care” bill, according to his staffer. I told her I wished he’d vote against it.
Automatic voter registration. Seriously.
Email to King and Collins restating the obvious point that Neil Gorsuch’s SCOTUS hearing shouldn’t be held while Trump’s even more obvious Russian treason is being investigated.
—Kamala Harris versus the scumbag’s scumbag budget.
—Care2 Petitions let me know that scumbag wants to gut a nice little program that protects the oceans called Sea Grant.
Twitter. Including lots o’ racists!

Wednesday, March 22

—Tammy Baldwin’s petition against the GOP deathcare plan.
—Caled Bruce Poliquin. Again. His people said he hasn’t… wait for it… made up his mind! Again.
—Corporate stooge/guy who flunked 7th grade science Scott Pruitt says global warming isn’t a thing. It is.
—The NAACP’s petition against the GOP “health” plan. If the NAACP hates you, you’re wrong, by the way.
—Trump’s racist shock troops at Homeland Security are planning to deport a husband and father. Don’t.
—So much racist Twitter. It’s like they’re getting nervous and desperate or something.

Thursday, March 23

Called Bruce Poliquin again, bright and early. Staff says he still hasn’t made up his mind. Which no doubt means he’s studying very carefully and wrestling with his soul and not that he’s, as is his wont, ducking all controversy like a little babyman until he can scuffy out and hope his unpopular vote will get lost in the overall din. It won’t.
—Tom Udall’s petition against the GOP deathmurder plan.
—Portland’s dragging its feet on renovating four crumbling elementary schools. Again, any act in support of something decent and good is a move against Trump in the great scheme.
— petition about saving the EPA. Because Trump wants to murder it, probably with poisoned water.
Impeach this bitch.
Fuck his budget, while we’re at it.
—Kamala Harris’ petition against the GOP asshole medical bill.
—Asshole likes to golf on our dime. Like, a fucking lot.
—Ellen Weintraub, head of the FEC has a petition calling on Dickhead to produce the nonexistent proof of his “voter fraud” bullshit.
—Cory Booker calling for the end of for-profit prisons.
—Chellie Pingree has a petition to her congressional colleagues to back the fuck off the ACA. I’m paraphrasing.
—Petition against Asshole’s Muslim ban. Asshole.
—Twitter all day.

Friday, March 24

Assholes lose big, as that Republican murder-care health plan goes down—hard. Here’s one for you, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and “president” Dipshit.

—Spent all morning tweeting at GOP hacks on the fence, including Maine’s Bruce Poliquin, who never, ever declared a position. That’s his thing. He is a spineless nothing of a congressman.
—Oh, all his office numbers were busy/not being answered, as Poliquin was ducking his constituents. Mealy little nothing.
—The Twitter.

Saturday, March 25

—DailyKos kindly provided a form letter urging Collins and King to postpone Gorsuch’s hearing while we sort this whole “Trump is in collusion with Putin and committing treason” thing out.
—The NDTC, too.
—Scumbag’s State Department has denied the Tibetan women’s soccer team travel permission to come to America for a tournament. Of soccer. Oh, they’re not white.
—Scumbag’s Interior Department wants to start selling off public lands for Scumbag’s corporate pals to despoil.
—Gave a token $3 donation to Color of Change’s campaign to send 1000 baby dolls of color to Paul Ryan to protest Steve King (the white supremacist) saying white supremacist things about “our children.” Meaning white children. Fuck these people.
—Scumbag’s proposed budget targets… Meals On Wheels. You know, the service that gives food to elderly shut-ins? Fuck. These. People. Trump and the Republicans, not the elderly shut-ins.
—Stereotypical 1960s southern mayor/current Attorney General Jeff Sessions is on a crusade against that damned marry-ju-wanna, despite reason and states’ legalization laws. Hey, weren’t Republicans supposed to be all about states’ rights and whatnot? Oh, right—that’s only when it lets them set up little backwoods hate-fiefdoms.
—Hey, let’s boycott companies that do business with Scumbag, Incorporated.

Sunday, March 26

—Ivanka Trump posted a pic of herself at the zoo, in front of an elephant. So I sent her this petition against her dad gutting the Endangered Species Act.
—Susan Collins and her GOP pals voted to gut some consumer protections that kept corporations from buying and selling your online information. Because that’s the sort of mundane evil they do.
—Petition against Dipshit’s newest, still super-racist Muslim ban.
—The LPGA really shouldn’t hold events at Trump’s properties. For a variety of reasons. Some of it rape-related.
—Care2 petition to save PBS. From the biggest to the smallest issues, I genuinely hate Dipshit and his dipshits.
—ICE is using detained immigrants as slave labor. Because that’s… America, I guess.

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After a day of Twitter.

Monday, March 27

—Email to Chellie Pingree urging her to vote against the Senate-approved (and Susan Collins-approved) plan to sell off our internet information to corporations.
—Kamala Harris’ petition against Gorsuch.
—According to Care2 petitions, there’s still a way to stop the DAPL.

Tuesday, March 28

—There is actual pending legislation to keep the President of the United States from having the authority to use nuclear weapons. Of course, that should read “president,” and it’s Trump, so I am all in favor.
—Undocumented immigrants swept up in Dickhead’s racist policies deserve legal counsel. Strange that that should need to be said, this being America and all.
—Stereotypical southern racist Attorney general Jeff Sessions’ attitudes toward marijuana are also stuck in the 1950s.
—ACLU petition against spending a fucking penny on Dickhead’s racist immigration schemes.
—Emails to King and Collins urging them to oppose Gorsuch.
—Bernie Sanders wants Medicare for all. Sure, why not.
—It’s supported by this group, too.
—Oxfam automatic letters to King and Collins telling them to oppose Dickhead’s executive dickhead orders reversing climate change protections.
—Sierra Club letter to EPA director/grotesque corporate stooge Scott Pruitt, basically telling him I’m not putting up with his climate change-denier bullshit.
—Fight for Equality. Petition. Fuck Dickhead’s racist immigration bullshit. Paraphrasing.

Wednesday, March 29

—Avaaz petition to Democratic senators urging them to vote no on Gorsuch.
—Gave another $10 to Jon Ossoff’s campaign in the Georgia 6th. Referendum. Invested.
Tom Udall’s pissed about Trump gutting all environmental protections.
—TrainDemocrats wants GOP weasel Devin Nunes to recuse himself from the TrumpRussia investigation, since he’s in it up to his pasty neck and all.

Thursday, March 30

—Called Angus King’s DC office & left a message urging him to vote no on Gorsuch and to support any Democratic filibuster.
—Friends of the Earth letters to King and Collins. Dipshit wants to gut the USDA. Because rich people won’t be eating poisoned food.
—Corey Booker wanted me to object in writing to Dipshit’s racist immigration bullshit. So I did.
—Sent email from some group urging state lawmakers to block the DAPL.
— petition calling on squirmy GOP obstructionist shill Devin Nunes to recuse himself from the #TrumpRussia investigation he’s neck-deep in.

Friday, March 31

Called Angus King again, asking the nice lady (named Katie) who answered the phone at his DC office to tell him I think he should vote no or Gorsuch and support the Democratic filibuster idea. She said, for what it’s worth, that they’ve been getting a lot of similar calls.
—Bernie Sanders has a plan for inexpensive imported medications.
—He’d also like Medicare for everyone.
—There’s another pipeline a company wants to run through a low-income native American area.
—Republicans are trying to sell off public lands to oil companies, because that’s what they do.
—Neil Gorsuch is, among other things, a homophobe. Petition to keep his pasty ass off the Supreme Court.
—And, as always, hours and hours of Twitter. Next.



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